Throu the "I" of the lens

By CLee

Intrigued by the web

Out in the garden again today to see what surprises I could find. A pair of dragon flies mateing, but as I blipped a dragon fly yesterday I continued on my search, a hungry caterpillar munching on a flower, a spider munching on a mosquito... it must have been dinner time for the insects, but the photo that intrigued me the most was this little lady bug looking intrigued by the spider web infront of it. As it had been raining little water droplets glistened on the little delicate strands. This little fellow sat watching the spider munching on it dinner and instinctively stayed far enough away so that it didn't become dessert....

A fellow blipper suggested that I should start my count down at 40 sleeps so that it is a nice surprise when my new camera arrives before the countdown is over, I think that is a great idea so........... 40 SLEEPS!!!

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