Arkensiel Photography

By arkensielphoto


First of all many, many thanks to everyone who commented, gave stars or hearts for yesterday's blip of the lizard; my 300th blip. The lizard made the spotlight during the afternoon and was still there this morning when I left home at 0800 hours, the longest any of my pictures have ever been in the spotlight.

I will be visiting everyone's journal, to thank you all personally, but it might take a day or two to get round everyone; my apologies in advance if I miss anyone, it will not be intentional.

Today we had an early start as it was an Addenbrookes day and we did not arrive home until mid-afternoon. We did visit the town first for breakfast in John Lewis before our hospital visit. I took some pictures of the Addenbrookes flag and the sign, but when I came home it was sunny and the ladybirds were out, so guess what won. I also took a picture of Florence and Dougal, gazing into the garden, looking for more lizards no doubt, but the ladybird won.

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