Good job today wasn't mothers day as instead of getting to lie in bed with a cuppa and my book until Chris went to work I ended up stripping and showering Amelie after another explosive nappy. Delightful!

I decided to take her to the Doctors as this is day 4 of this, and although she has generally perked up I just wanted her checked out. Dr concluded she was most probably fine but I came away with a sample pot for my troubles and a guess diagnosis of viral gastroenteritis.

Luckily for Amelie she is to stay off the fibre, drink lots of fluids (including milk, her favourite) and to try some yoghurt with friendly bacteria.

We came home and played for a bit, Amelie had two slices of toast and jam, and then Amelie went down for a nap. She ended up sleeping for 2 hours which was longer than I would like but I think she needed it.

This afternoon we went out with Amelie in the backpack and did a few bits and pieces (including handing in the sample pot...full, eugh).

Now we are back off out to Hobbycraft as I need to pick up some ribbon to finish of my menus that I started yesterday.

Definitely on the mend, as you can see from this giggle, but not quite there yet!

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