Early Morning Sun

I must admit to cursing my Mum this morning at 630am when I realised her car was blocking me in and I was due out to work.......BUT it was such a lovely walk to work this morning that I realised it was a blessing not a pain in the butt!

Only 3 photos taken today and this was one - that point and shoot isn't so bad after all!

Now, I must admit that I am cursing the early evening sun that is coming through the kitchen as it is showing just how desperately Mr G and not me needs to clean the windows! If a Blipper was to knock on my door now I would deny all knowledge of being KirstieG and certainly not invite you in to frown on my dirty windows and dusty skirting board! A week of three dogs and four adults and very little housework means the house needs a bloody good dust - just as well I am off to London for two days tomorrow morning :)

Shhhhh.........not only can I hear the birds tweeting, but the G&T is also calling. Well, it is Monday :)

PS Thanks to Bittersweet for being so lovely - you made my day yesterday x x

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