Dear Heart

By dearheart


Dear Heart,
After last night's antics, home seemed a whole world away. I very nearly didn't make it onto my train, as in order to reach my platform I had to push past the hundreds of rugby spectators clogging the veins of the station. Talk about going against the tide! As I reached the top of the stairs, a youngish man smiled, winked at me and said, "You must be Wonder Woman to have made it this far." Out of breath as I was, I kind of agreed with him.
Tilly has come down with something that has turned her skin into hills and valleys. She's red-faced and fluey and bitterly disappointed that she's had to cancel plans with her friends tomorrow.
I hate seeing her so poorly, but I'm secretly a bit pleased that it means we can have her all to ourselves tomorrow!
Love, Lydia x
P.S. We won the Grand Slam. Much joy ensued.

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