Beautiful Life In Photos

By chlobags

Hasty blip

Cardiff was crazy today, and I'll tell you for why: rugby - 6 nations rugby - 6 nations Welsh match - 6 Nations Welsh match in Cardiff. You can imagine. It's simultaneously really fun and a nightmare!
I first of all I found myself stuck in a group of Frenchmen (I was also coincidentally wearing red, white and blue, so I don't think that helped matters), and then I somehow ended up in a marching brass band. These kind of things always just seem to happen to me. Anyway, after fighting my way back through the spectators of the brass band I made it to the station; the roads everywhere were just full of people. I do love the atmosphere though!

Got to Trowbridge around 4, went to Leila's for a cuppa and then home to pick up my new iphone :D (and see Dad...) I bought this case for it this week; I do love a bit of Cath.

Didn't realise til very late that I hadn't blipped anything so here we go: my new phone!

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