Sami's Snaps

By SamiColenutt


This is what happens when you clean the bathroom in grey joggers. Oh well, luckily I don't wear them often and now I'll probably only wear them when I'm feeling like a hippy. This isn't very often.

Today I got up early, tidied my room, bleached a lot of stuff, did a bit of work and then remembered about an hour before that I had booked to give blood today. Luckily the place I was donating was only 5 minutes away so it wasn't too big a deal. It would be useful if they sent a reminder text on the day though and not the week before. A lot fills in that space in my memory in a week.

Me and Hannah also tried to cook gone off mince by accident - it did not smell good...we didn't eat it. Made a pretty good curry instead though. This whole cooking as a group thing is working pretty well, it's much more fun to cook with someone that on your own.

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