And delphiniums blue

By flynnet


Yes it sepia again, I just really like it, I go through my snaps and always end up liking it better in sepia its just more pleasing to my eye ;) this was taken at around 9ish with Dave and Ash we had a walk to falsgrave park, its a lovely spot from the top you can see the sea and the castle. They have lots of birds too. I decided last night while stood on the back steps freezing my bits off that as from tomoz I will not be drinking alcohol for a hole month! and every day I will go on the wii :) this should give me the spur I need to get back in good weekly weigh loses. Im off to a friends tonight to watch a dvd and have a drink thats why the no alcohol thing starts tomoz ;) Im guna get back to the wii now will catch up with all your blips later.

love c xxx

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