March Challenge - Dirty - Poo
Another day to put the thinking cap on. There are plenty of things around that are dirty (especially in my house), but when it comes to photogenic dirt that is a different matter.
Had my lunch (tomato soup) - did it leave nice red patterns in the bowl? No.
Went out for a walk, were there any 4x4s with that nice curved streak of mud up the side? No, the highest thing that 4x4s go up around here is the kerb. All spotless.
So, into the Gunnersbury Triangle Nature Reserve. Wandering around, I spy many a white patch on a leaf, mostly they are either feathers (all white and definitely clean) or what appears to be a fungal growth (not in itself dirty).
Finally I spy a leaf with an interesting bird dropping on, so here it is - Poo.
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