yet another day

By yetanotherday

Day Out

Husband & myself took the day off work and went to the Ideal Home Show at Earl's Court today. I was expecting a long journey into London as the Hammersmith flyover is still being worked on, but we got up there really quickly :-)

We did loads of 'window shopping' and spent a lot of time looking at log cabins and garden offices, as we really really need one as we have teenagers would like a room at the end of the garden.

We went around the Show Homes and I loved the 'Prince's Arts and Crafts House' and the 'Santiago House". but the 'Swedish House' was just a mini Ikea.

Our purchases totalled a jar of mango chutney and a cute duck, parking was £15 and the tickets were free, so it was quite a cheap day out.

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