Life is Incredible

By Knightly


goldenrod is a very interesting plant. it is used as food for many species of moths and butterflies and it forms a gall when invaded by larva of these species to quarantine them. parasitoid wasps find these galls and lay their eggs on the confined insect. woodpeckers finds these galls, blast through them to eat the wasp larva and insect inside.

goldenrod is found in meadows, pastures, along roads, ditches and waste areas in north american. it has been unfairly blamed for causing hay fever.
medicinally, it has been used as a tea for a tonic to the kidneys. industrially, thomas edison extracted a good quality rubber from the plant.

it is a beautiful addition to our native wildflowers and starts blooming about the time kids are going back to school.

we are leaving tomorrow for our yearly vacation to the blue ridge mountains in north carolina. we will be staying in a cabin without internet connection, but will frequent asheville where i may be able to post photos.

all the best. have a great next couple of weeks.

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