A leaf on the wind...

By TamCat

Lucky Lucky

Today was a good day. An old friend came in to where I work today. I've known her most of my life. She, and her husband, were very much like second parents to me. They were such a huge influence on me growing up that I feel they have certainly helped make me who I am today. We've lost touch over the years, but I'm hoping that the future will be different. I've missed them so much.
The day was too warm and too humid, so on lunch I ventured to the graveyard to enjoy the breeze that rolls across the hill. For the first time I saw other people there. Turns out they were police officers. From what I overheard there's apparently been issues with people damaging the fence to gain access to the car lots. They left me be and I they. Feeling that was the best plan all around, I settled into taking pictures. Several good shots, and several 4 leaf clovers, but this shot was my favorite!

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