This Too Will Vanish...

By etherghost

Today was about getting up early and out to Greyfriars art supply and taking some silly detours (that sounds better than getting a little lost) on the way there. It all worked out in the end. There was also some shopping at Real Foods and Scot Mid and then back home to finish up my fifteen latest new small works on paper.

Next up, the documentation process (thank you Stewart!) and then to list them in my etsy shop and share them on facebook. I have been doing this for years and it would seem like it should get easier and faster each time, but the promotion of the art takes as much time as making it. Luckily for me I like this part just as much. I hope Stewart thinks it is cute when I have a fit or two and curse at the machine while enjoying this part of the process.

They are out in the world and I am very proud of them.
Sometimes I love this job.

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