A Fahrenheit Life

By Pingirl

Good Mental Health

Today the College was due to sign its See Me pledge. 'see me' is Scotland's national campaign to end the stigma and discrimination of mental ill-health. Unfortunately, due to unforseen circumstances, this couldn't go ahead today.

However, I'd like to take the opportunity to thank all those great college staff who have worked so hard to pull this pledge together to promote the benefits of and the College's commitment to keeping ourselves mentally well and healthy.

Despite the postponement of the official signing, we still went ahead with our 'see me' stall to promote lots of good advice about maintaining good mental health. This included handing out Fortune Cookies with messages that were informed from our Health and Wellbeing event. Attendees at that event were asked to write on a parcel label what it is that keeps them happy. My Fortune Cookie message advised being grateful for what you have achieved in life. Makes good sense!

I know this is a subject dear to Acronymphomania's heart.

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