Collaborative Work

As you can see, the Cygnet had a haircut today ...................... Smart eh?

Jenny has now cut 5 generations of SWMBO family since we got to know her 28 years ago as a neighbour.

She refuses to use clippers ("that is cheating and lazy") and works with amazing speed despite the occational squirming.

To try and get him to stop trying to look round and see what was going on, I let him take the picture which is todays blip.

After the haircut we headed down to South Queensferry to watch the trains going over the bridge.
In all the times I have been there I have never noticed the wee bike stuck on the wall.

The Cygnet insisted that we walked down the slipway to the waters edge.
He thought it really funny when he had to run away to stop getting wet feet.

After that it was up "The Rail Bridge" for cake and coffee ....... and a play with the toys they keep in they corner.

All in all - it was a really good day - apart from being a bit cool down by the water.

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