The Ferg

By fergie

So long and equably what since is found
Only in separation - marriage, and birth,
And death, and thoughts of these - for which was built
This special shell? For, though I've no idea
What this accoutred frowsty barn is worth,
It pleases me to stand in silence here;
Philip Larkin

This is an abandoned Church in Elgin i pass every day on my route to work. My committee input went well although it did not achieve all I wanted and the public speaking was OK but not as inspiring as the seminar required. Up again in front of our Audit committee again , these meetings are always fun. Went to the Science Festival at the behest of my 15 year old to find out about stem cell research. It was like sci fi from twenty years ago coming to pass, remarkable things are happening and even more mind blowing great things are about to happen.

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