Come into the Garden

By aprecious

Boot camp

I have entered military boot camp.

aprecious is behaving like she is an American sergeant.

aprecious: sound off!
Maud: 1,2
aprecious: sound off!
Maud: 3,4
aprecious: cadence count!
Maud: 1,2,3,4...1,2,3,4

aprecious: you've got a good home and it won't last
Maud: you're right!
aprecious: you've got a good home and it won't last (if you keep chewing it)
Maud: you're right!

aprecious: sound off!
Maud: 1,2
aprecious: sound off!
Maud: 3,4
aprecious: cadence count!
Maud: 1,2,3,4...1,2,3,4

aprecious: you've signed up for the length of your stay
Maud: I've never had it so good I say
aprecious: the best you'll get is a luxury bic-ou-ac
Maud: the whiff of freedom from a passing cat

Enough already aprecious
Can't I just hang out with my buddy Alf?

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