This, That And the Other

By Kersting

Super Epic Fight...

Today is a very busy day. I have three job interviews in three different locations. the first one is at 9:30 over in Troy. I'm not happy about having to drive in the traffic but Dave and Chuck "The Freak" will help with that.

My second one is at noon just 20 min from the appartment. Noon traffic shouldn't be that bad and anyways I have to make a Michigan U turn so it will be easier to get to.

The third one is closer to the appartment in Bloomfield Hills and that one is at 3.

Anyways after I finished getting ready for my interviews I came to the kitchen table to find this Super Epic Fight going on. Curt had these out for some reason and just forgot to put them away so I took advantage of the fact that they were all sitting out on the table.

Weather: It looks and sounds like its going to be another 75 day. It was so warm yesterday I thought that it had to be about 80. The pool still isn't open so I guess I will just have to chill out in the apprtment until it does.

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