
By scharwenka

The Path

I think that yesterday was the Vernal Equinox, which fell on the earliest time and date in more than a century. This equinox typically occurs on March 20 or 21, but is especially early in 2012 because of this being a leap year.

But now it is officially Spring. Hurrah!

And these trees along a woodland path all show a tinge of green. Up close, leaves are appearing fast now on many of the trees, bushes and hedgerows.

This mysterious path leads to the canal from Stratfield Brake, a place that I have described most recently on 25 January this year, and then again on 1 February. It was decidedly colder back then, just a few short weeks ago.

We first found this nature reserve by crossing the canal here, and finding this path on the other side. The linked photograph was taken not long after the autumnal equinox, so that we are now almost a half year away, balanced around the winter solstice.

And, if you would like to know more about equinoxes and their timing, this is a good place to look!

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