
By ausmossie

My Street

This is my street. Zhen Xing Jie. The building you can see at the end (and most of the bloick it is on) is marked for destruction. I imagine it's so they can build new, bigger ones. The people who currently live in the apartments have to find a new place to live I suppose. A few weeks ago, a group of old men who live there asked me to take a picture of this building and give them a print.. I had NO trouble agreeing.

The street is so crowded because there is a 'rummage' sale and the people who will have to leave are cleaning out old cupboards and the like and selling anything they might be able to make a buck on. It's a little sad actually. For some reason, the local DVD store (which is not even on that block) decided to sell up everything at the same time.. I bought 45 DVDs for the princely sum of 90 yuan (about 9 Euro). Lucky meeeee. Now if I could just find my remote...

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