the first among many

8:30am. About to take the weeWeir to nursery.

On Saturday, I noticed that the heavily pruned tree in the front garden has covered in blossom buds. And then this morning, the first one had popped. Probably helped by the brightness of the morning.


We had a wee chat with one of the nursery teachers, our first (low-key) parent-teacher chat. It was encouraging to hear that the weeWeir has been writing her name at nursery. It's not something we can get her to do a lot of at home!

The cynical part of me thinks "they're just saying that", but it was unprompted. So I'll take it at face value.

The return to work was fairly painless. The late start helped, but resulted in a late (6pm) finish. However, I did achieve inbox zero - which was nice, especially since I started at 157 and three hours were spent in a workshop planning a presentation.

The rest of the week will be *fun*.

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