
By Cari

What a difference....

....a day can make!! Yesterday it was super stormy, today woke up to some sunshine peaking through and no rain. It is cold though. Winter sure made a late entrance this year. Our son text yesterday from Eugene that he had 8" of snow, no power and trees falling all around them. This morning our other son text a photo of snow up in Newberg. Weather says chance of snow here tonight...again???? Nooooooo!! I have a new song..."snow snow go away, come again another day". I am so very ready for warmer days.

I took the hubby to work this morning and decided to take a couple hours and come back to the house and play in the garden while I had some clear weather. I messed around with some clematis photos. Liked this one in sepia. Have another one in B&W. Also had fun with ??? curly leaves. Can someone tell me what I have here??? Also converted one to B&W here. I thought it was kind of cool!

Well, enough playing. Gotta get back to work. It is one of our employees birthday so I am taking pizza in for lunch!! I mustn't be late as there could be an uprising!! :o)

Happy Thursday

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