Doom and gloom
Despite the pouring rain, there was no let up on the fat ball action in the garden.
Nearly no action at all from me today. Despite taking one of Mr B's magic relaxing tablets last night (calm down, they're from a doctor) I was awake most of the night, mainly with pain from my neck/shoulder, but also from the bizarre noises coming from the other side of the bed (Mr B with a cold is not a quiet sleeper). So I rolled carefully out of bed, and headed downstairs to try the sofa*. After a few more careful rollings (to get some water and stuff tissues in the gaps between glass and window frame to stop the incessant rattling - must get the putty put on) I did manage a little sleep. When my alarm went off at 7.15 came the horrible realisation that I couldn't move without blinding spasms of pain. In fact, the spasms came even when I wasn't moving. After 15 minutes of trying to sort myself out, I gave up and phoned Mr B (upstairs in bed...) So he brought me my painkillers and a straw so I could swallow down some water, and then he sorted the kids out. Happily** I was able to get up once the painkillers kicked in - and then had a blissful 20 minutes or so pain-free before the painkiller dizziness kicked in. Bed then beckoned and most of the rest of the day was a blur of wakefulness/sleepiness/dizziness (but mercifully little pain).
So this evening I am not on painkillers, but despite keeping mobile, I feel I may have to have some later. Hopefully one more lot will give my body enough relaxation to heal itself and tomorrow I will be fine.
I think I'm off digging duties for a few more days.
The seige in Toulouse ended with a certain inevitability. I'm sure the repercussions and enquiries will run and run.
* As most of our furniture is still in Scotland we are using a single bed as a second sofa, so I wasn't hauling my sore neck off somewhere daft.
** I needed a wee. Enough said.
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