
Why is it that the kids' school have decided that tomorrow is:
Sports relief mile day - pay £1 per child and let them bring in bikes etc to do their mile.
Sports relief bake off day - all children to bring in a cake they've made for a competition.
Cake sake day - the cakes made by the children for the competition are then sold for 20p a pop.
Art day - Bella has been selected to do screen printing do needs a plain white t-shirt to print onto AND an old t-shirt to wear to protect her clothes.
Spring Fayre Competition Day - enough is enough. I read the date on the flier and ignored the rest.

In other news, I am still feeling like death warmed up. After my dramatics earlier in the week I suspect I may actually have flu. I have never had a cold where I am still feeling this bad this many days in. Even better, Lily has started feeling cold and shivery tonight, while showing a temp of 38.5.

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