Diver Driver

By diverdriver

An advert.

I was waiting outside this place before it opened this morning, enjoying a bit of sun, a break for a coffee before continuing my journey to Hereford, and eager to get inside to make my purchases.

The last time I was here - a couple of weeks ago - I bought a jar of their prizewinning marmalade for a couple of friends of ours who we were visiting that week. On mentioning this to the lovely Rhian, she told me that she adores marmalade. So, being my favourite hairdresser, I bought her a jar for the next time I see her.

Also on my last visit, I bought Mrs DD a bottle of this, which she promptly told me she did not like. I am not a cider drinker, nor ever have been, but this was excellent. So I treated myself to a bottle today. And also got Mrs DD a different type of cider. Oh, and a jar of marmalade (in case of any jealousy.)

I also bought a loaf of their very nice rosemary and garlic bread, half of which we have devoured for tea. The cider comes later. Hopefully it will help Mrs DD's cold.

So I think it is safe to say that I heartily recommend the Ludlow Food Centre to any who may be passing.

And finally. For all those who have been waiting for the news from Zambia, check this out!

Amazing news or what!!!!

All in all a very good day.

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