dig down deep

8:30am and almost at work.

Mrs theWeir was back at work today, so I opted to take the train & bike for the journey *to* work for a change. This made sure I had time to receive fresh instructions from a director before going away for BrandChamp training. Those instruction meant I withdrew from the group at breaks to fulfil the requirements of my overlord. Or something.

But, left work at 4 and cycled home in the warmth of the bright sun. Which is always a joy. And even more so with not much wind to speak of.

The weeWeir seems to be fighting off another infection in her throat, so dinner time was a struggle. Safely sleeping now.

All I need next is Mrs theWeir to return home and all will be well.


The shot was taken here.

This large machine has been working its way east from Haymarket. I'm wondering if it will head along towards Shandwick Place, or take a wee detour up Torphichen Street and take a break from pounding the street.

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