Slice of my Life

By spcooke

How does this work???

I have rotten luck with rosemary. Every year the rosemary plant would grow, then freeze and never come back!! So, I planted a rosemary in a planter and brought it inside at the end of the summer. It now resides on my south-facing bay window!

I was amazed to find plants growing around the rosemary. I am a sucker for not pulling out "weeds" until I know what they are--soon my rosemary was surrounded by volunteer snapdragons that seeded from the planter next to it during the summer! How fun is that??

Next thing I see, the yellow snapdragons now are dark pink, and pink and white! Just to prove it, here is a shot of the many colors. I'm loving it! It helps me wait, not too patiently, for spring!

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