Jay Bee Day Lee Foe Tee

By jackblack

A Little Light Night Photography

Happy Birthday to Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

A fantabulous pressie from Richard .... I thought I was getting a cake mixer, I got a SONYA200 DSLR with 3 lenses! Can't make cakes with it but I shall be able to take photos of cake from verrry farrrr awayyyyy with my fabby zoom lens!

A lovely quiteish day at work then a quick trip round to the park to play with the camera. Trees, ducks and daffodils *tick*

Out for dinner at the Chinese Buffet, followed by a bit of a trip round the locality looking for something that was lit up. As Peopletwitcher has mentioned before, there is bugger all lit up these days. The council must be trying to save electric.

We ended up in StAndrews and no, the bloody cathedral isn't lit.

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