Our life with Autism

By Cjrach


I am a minimalist person, I don't do clutter.
In the first mine years of marriage ( before Christopher) I had some very carefully chosen ornaments, some cheap some expensive, I tend to like unusual things from little back street shops that you know your not going to find in your friends house, I even brought something's home from holidays, tomorrow I'll blip the one I brought home from Turkey last year. Anyway once Christopher arrived and reached about 6yrs old his melt downs always involved smashing something and I only have a few bits that survived that part of his life, I went for many years having nothing because it just wasnt worth it.
I am slowly starting to reintroduce things into the rooms. I spotted this one in Costco last Christmas so Tony treated me and then painted Christopher's living room so it fitted in. I love it I think it's plain but stunning at the same time.

Had a good day in work today we made biscuits on the morning and I was covered in flour curtesy of one of the kids who
Thought it was fun to throw a hand full
In my face. This afternoon we made peppermint fondant and I was covered in icing sugar, lots of fun.

Circuit training tonight I can feel my tummy muscles getting stronger as I pull up into a sit up a lot higher now.

Mum finally home, the hospital confirmed it is Sepsis but the A/Biotics are doing the job.

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