"Shape Note Singing! All Are Welcome!"

Shape Notes are a music notation "designed to facilitate congregational and community singing."

The group in my neighborhood meets once a month, and has been meeting for much longer than I've been around. I joined in once or twice many years ago. It's fun and extremely easy to learn, but I must say it's more church-like than anything I'm likely to feel at home with. Also, I'm dead ignorant about music.

"The idea behind shape notes is that the parts of a vocal work can be learned more quickly and easily if the music is printed in shapes that match up with the solfege syllables with which the notes of the musical scale are sung."

As you can see by this Wiki entry on the subject, it goes back centuries and has deep roots here in Philadelphia.

The A Space was looking and sounding its best when I passed by tonight, so I thought I'd share it as a blip.

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