Chaos and Calm

By KatKatzenjammer

It's LOVE.

What happens when you have a massive argument with a really good partner? He feels bad, and pays for a hair appointment for a complete re-style, and amazing colours.

The poor man. I have incredibly thick hair, so any colour or cut on it's own costs several limbs.
Four and a half hours, and nearly $300 later, I am one very happy woman. My new hair is fabulous, and I feel so good in it. :D

I just don't feel so good about photos being taken. Even with my haaawwwwt new hair. Hah.

I was thinking, after this colourful apology, I may never fight with him again... But if this is how he apologises, I think we should fight more often.
No. That's not fun.

He's a keeper.

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