
By J0shua

Wheally Wheel

Another in my series of bike parts. The wheel. While this photo contains many parts; tyre (tire), rims, brakes, shocks, tube, spokes, hub - in essence they all form 'the wheel' however when cyclists talk about the 'wheel' in reality its the rim, hub & spokes because the art of wheel building only composes those parts. Weird, anyway building a wheel is considered an art by those who do it by hand.

LARGE wheels better for rolling over stuff

my day: train:work:chilli:work:beer@work:train:photograph:install photoshop cs6

for mtb techies:
schwalbe nobby nic's (2.25 front & 2.1 rear)
sram xx brakes (F-180mm R-160 mm)
sram rise 40 rims/hub combo
fox -32 forks (100 or 120mm can't recall )

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