Why did I come in here?

By Bootneck

Capt Sprog to the rescue.

As life goes on we occasionally get asked if we have any regrets. Anything we would change and do differently. Well apart from a reduction in the amount of ale consumed in so many locations around the planet perhaps I'd leave well alone.

There is one thing I would dearly love to do, unfortunately it is now not going to happen. I took his Mum flying on various occasions, she was his age when she first went up, I took his Grandma flying but he will have to be shown by somebody else.

Capt Sprog has at least got my bits and pieces to remind him that his Grandpa once "did it."

The Maritime Museum at Falmouth has just taken delivery of a Seaking Search and Rescue (SAR) helicopter. We had great fun exploring all the bits and pieces. He was bemused by the "Pee Tube" or as I had to describe it to him the "Tinkle Tube" a chrome device, with a lid it is connected via a tube to the outside of the airframe and allows the crew to be comfortable during extended flights.

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