
By cowgirl

Proud as a peacock

A peacock butterfly that is. I'm pretty sure there's a story about a proud peacock, you know, one of those stories with a moral at the end of it ...

Anyway, mum's last day, well morning, so just took her for a short walk to see " my " cottage, which has been sold again. Oh well, I'll just have to spend the £400,000 that I would have spent on that on something else .... It was mum who spotted this butterfly in my garden when we got back.

Waved mum off on the train back to the Midlands then headed off to Pickleberry, a lovely little coffee and light meals restaurant in a nearby village. The owner asked me to give her a hand, and when I got arrived at 12.30 the poor woman was there on her own, no-one else had been able to help her. Anyway, the rest of the day flew by and before I knew it, it was 5p.m.

Looking forward to a shower .... but the plumber hadn't returned. Sav had already phoned him and been told he couldn't get the part so he'd have to come on Monday now.

I was not allowed near a phone to tell the plumber what I thought of him.

Anyway, Sav complained to the letting agent and they got on the case, so apparantly the plumber will now try to fix it tomorrow. He'd better .... or keep his phone closed until he returns on Monday!

Back blipped mum at Heaven's Gate yesterday

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