Journey forward

By Popsicle

Witpoortjie Falls

This waterfall forms the backdrop and centrepiece of the Walter Sisulu National Botanic Gardens, lying approximately 30kms west of Johannesburg.

This is home to the famed Roodekrans Verraux's Eagles (Aquila verrauxii) the only breeding pair of this species within an urban area. The two nest sites that are used are visible on the lower rock face at 10 'o clock and 11 'o clock from the waterfall.

The pair are just starting to re-furbish the lower nest, and it is expected that eggs will be laid by the end of April.

On the extreme left of the same rock face you may see the white dot of the videocam used for the monitoring of the nests.

I led our bird club outing there this morning, and we were fortunate to see the female soaring above the falls. After lunch I observed the bird carrying a leafed branch to the lower nest.

The weather was perfect for birding and we recorded over 50 species during our visit.

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