
By Juleshki

Look, it's really him!

Firstly, I know, this is a very poor shot. Abysmal, in fact!
Secondly, it is one of just a small handful taken, so there weren't a great deal to choose from. It was either this or something very similar as it was a particularly slow blip day.

On the wall is a white pheasant!

He is very shy and difficult to get close to. I have seen him quite a few times in the garden and with other pheasants but I haven't always had my camera on me. And whilst iphones are wonderful things, they can't always do justice to a pheasant sitting on wall, some distance away, under poor light conditions. Hence this!

Other improved offerings to follow, hopefully.

A little research, by the way, reveals that white pheasants are not all that rare. Except round these parts.
There's only him!

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