Mist opportunity

Always nice to have a choice - last night, (after midnight, so technically today) I sat outside for a short while and managed to get a shot of one of our fox visitors but then after the worst of the mist had burnt off this afternoon, I went down to the city to see if there was anything about on the River Don. There were the usual suspects - pied and grey wagtails, and this heron who cooled his heels for a while in the weir, before flying downstream to the next weir where he caught and ate the most enormous fish. Sadly, the light wasn't good enough to get a good shot of this as I could only view from one side where a combination of shadow and lingering mist made getting a good shot pretty much impossible, but you can make out the enormous fish.
Don't forget to put your clocks forward - and extra hour of evening light for your lovely blips!

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