walking in the city

By inthecity

blustery saturday treats

Donlands and Sammon.

Walked out early for a pound of coffee and a litre of milk. I decided to stay at The Only for double espresso and white chocolate cranberry oatmeal cookie. Sweet fancy moses and I've been off baked goods for months.

Came home with new kitty treats(!) They each got a fancy collar for their ID and Rabies tags, plus a shiny new bell.

Then it started to rain and I cleaned my flat from stem to gudgeon.

Got an invitation to a piano concert tomorrow afternoon at the Glenn Gould studios.

Now tucking in to an omelet (jerk carrots w/ greens) and watching the CBC coverage of the NDP leadership finals. Likely it will be Thomas MulClair. Not the kind of news on tv sets around the globe, but the NDP actually matters around here these days. They're the official opposition (!). Ooh there's Olivia Chow--smart and gracious lady. Gotta go I love her.

Seriously bad attendance. Thanks to my blipfriends for patience. Back blips to dribble in. See you in the comments pages.

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