
By Juli

Doing the Time Warp?

Today, 'time' seemed to be a recurring theme.

Finding out that the only time available for a child's bowling party on any weekend in April is 9.30am.

Testing out the sundial at Wakehurst - and it worked!

Having my first haircut in over a year... and further trying to hold back the years by getting rid of my grey.

Discovering that time has no meaning for children during a no-one gets any sleepover.

Waking up with the thought that I confirmed the wrong date for a meeting in an email.

Wondering why you can't change children's body clocks to British Summer Time

Hoping I can get three children who are 'tired' to go to horseriding.

And, to add to my confusion, today is now yesterday...

Hee, hee! Just in case some of you are confused as well about my current job-search (not mentioning any names...but you know who you are, Fi) no, my interview is NOT to become a monk! :-DDD

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