The Memory Keeper

By athousandwords

Clever Pony

If you can peer round the mountain of ribbons and rosettes in this picture, you might be able to spot a very bored looking Izzy and her proud rider. Went to watch one of the mini jumping events at a local riding stables, where Luka had the opportunity to take part in a "Horse and Hound" event. This is where a horse and rider completes a course of jumps, after which a dog and it's handler go over a set number of jumps (normally fillers or cross poles to make it easier)... Unfortunately our horse and rider backed out at last minute and we were left to watch the other competitors. It was a good laugh anyway, there was a jackadoodle that was too small to get over jumps and so ran straight through/ round/ under them, and a labradoodle that was terrified at the very prospect of jumping anything and shot off out of the arena half-way through the prize giving. Luka watched on in disdain.

In other news, today I took Risky for a quiet hack with a girl from the yard. This ended up as a gung-ho gallop to the top of a field, where Risky finally realised that is a Thoroughbred after all. Might I add that he was completely sound following this and trotted on his tiptoes the whole way home :)

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