Ellisroger Photos

By Ellisroger

Tai Chi Goat

I spent the morning walking around Hollingworth Lake in beautiful sunshine, taking lots of experimental pictures with my new camera. But then a technical problem intervened. As I usually do, I was shooting both RAW and JPEG images. On my ageing Mac, neither Aperture nor iPhoto will recognise the RAW images and on Aperture it won't even let me open the JPEG versions. I have tried installing the EOS Solution software but am told my Mac's operating system is out of date. So, some more spending seems necessary!

Further experiments, this time with the new macro lens attached, show that if I shoot in JPEG only, there isn't a problem. But I am not going out again, so today's blip has to be a macro.

This one seems the best of today's set - a close up of my Tai Chi Goat wooden automaton, by English artist Neil Hardy. The goat's expression reflects my own when beset by software challenges. But Tai Chi is probably what is needed to calm me down. More of Neil's work can be seen here.

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