
By sinddu

Hello after long

I've been away from blip for a long time. The trips away from home makes blipping really hard.

Over the past weeks I've met and worked with a whole lot of people, some whom I've known since forever and some whom I wish to continue the relationship of friendship. Quitting my job has actually opened the door of opportunities for me, a chance to once again explore myself and delve deep within and find what brings about true happiness. The process of discovery is always sweet:)

A lazy sunday it definitely was not. Up early I met the beautiful Clementine for a walk in the park at the Botanical Gardens. Battling the heat we conquered the whole length of the garden, already planning our next walk. While walking I had flashes of Elizabeth making her way through the woods arriving at Pemberly mud ridden.

The walk in the park was followed by an exciting basketball match between Singapore and Philippines. My first basketball match with a great view from the box seats. I had my mind set on a picture filled with action for todays blip till I arrived home to the view of the sky painted in the most vibrant of colours. Twilight my favourite time of the day.

How could you not love a Sunday like this.

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