
By Chiara

Smokey bear

So Laura and I got an apartment! It's a nice place with skylights, a beautiful kitchen, and a semi-loft. Sweet, huh?

So I went to my mom's house and picked up Einstein. Now he lives with my dad's friend in the basement of my dad's house. I try to come down here as much as possible to keep him company. Poor thing is scared, but he's getting better. I wish I could tell him he's going to be here for only a few weeks, then he'll be a city slicker again.

The cat in today's picture is Smokey, my mom's cat. She's practically Einstein's twin, except Einstein is a huge 18-pounder while Smokey is often mistaken as a kitten. It's quite funny seeing them next to each other.

So I was mopping my mom's kitchen floor when this little guy scurried across the floor. I trapped the cricket, which had to be at least one inch long, into a jar, took several pictures, then released it into the wild (actually, my mom's backyard). My mom still doesn't know about this, so once she reads this blip, she'll sleep with one eye open for several nights.

Nate thinks I should've blipped this shot of Smokey and Einstein.

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