zoe wittering

By zoewittering

The joys of being a mum

if you saw yesterday's blip you might have been expecting to see Rapunzel in all her glory today. But the thing about kids is that you never really know what is going through their minds (if anything).
A couple of weeks ago we got a paper home from school announcing the carnival to be held Sunday 25th March (today). Despite each of them owning an extraordinary number of dressing up outfits already they all wanted new ones. Mlle L wanted to be Red Riding Hood, Mlle E, Rapunzel and little boy wanted to be a wolf.
Being as organized as ever yesterday I set to work on their costumes.

red hooded cape, tick; super-baby cape for littlest boy, tick; wolf outfit complete with claws, hood and tail and mask, tick.
then I paused.
Mlle E is, at times (read: always) known for contrariness -
"are you sure you want to be Rapunzel?"
"are you sure Rapunzel really needs a new pink dress - can't she just wear one of the other multitude of pink dresses you have with her long golden hair?"
"she NEEDS a new dress and I definitely want to be Rapunzel".

Ok. I set to work. One dress and long golden tresses later Rapunzel is done.

Half an hour before we leave for the carnival Mlle E sidles into the kitchen and announces "I am going to go as Cinderella, wearing the pink Cinderella dress I already had".

Breath deeply.

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