Mojito Diablo

- henceforth, also known as my new summer cocktail. It's as pretty as a lava lamp. No, prettier and tastier.

2 oz Tequila
1/2 oz Creme de Cassis
3-6 oz 7-up or Sprite
12 mint leaves
1 tablespoon brown sugar
2 lime wedges

Crush mint leaves, brown sugar and lime wedges together in a cocktail shaker, add Tequila and a few ice cubes. Shake well. Pour Creme de Cassis in the glass. Fill with crushed ice. Pour the Tequila mix slowly over the ice. Top off with 7-up, a lime slice and a sprig of mint.


How marvelous to kick off the Spring with a gorgeous meal, cooked FOR us and shared with people we adore.

It's Sunday now as I'm posting this and I'm heading out for some major gardening, fuzzy head an' all.

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