Giving this a go...

By Debiives

an action shot of me running...

... was what I wanted to blip but Ross failed to take any!
So I had to blip my time and my medal. It isn't my official time which will be slower as I had to stop for a wee and to get a stone out of my shoe and the watch stopped when I stopped.

It was a really good race apart from miles 11 and 12 where my legs just stopped working. There was great support on a lot of it from the locals and always a lot of people around as it was quite a big race. It got very hot on the 2nd half which made it hard and I think that's why I found the last bit so hard. I'd hoped for under 2:06 so according to my Garmin I did it but my official time will be more. I couldn't have run faster so I'm happy. And I'm tired and ache so I must have worked hard!

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