...wORds bE fEW

By tnahlyn


The sermon was simple, we have priorities. The number one priority to driving a car is 'don't confuse the brake with the gas'! The number one priority to crossing the street is' look both ways'! The number one priority to leaving the house when you were a teen was 'wear clean underwear'!
The number one priority to being a follower of Christ is... LOVE!
Mark 12:30 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.'31 The second is this: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' There is no commandment greater than these."
The kicker is, RELATIONSHIPS ALWAYS TRUMP TASKS. He talked about your 'to do list' and are you putting your list before relationships?
Well, that hit home with me. I have this to do list constantly running at work, I have one for the wedding and one for the book covers/photography/etc. I feel a great satisfaction with those lists when I put a check in the box signifying the task is complete. I feel like I 'can't go play' until my list is done. By 'go play' I mean hanging out with friends/family/doing something for myself/etc. So all along I have had it wrong. But that is my personality, my 'default setting' as Pastor put it.
In the book Crazy Love we are suppose to find out our ONE THING. The ONE THING God would have us do, BE! I think for me it is to switch around my priorities, and know that it is OK to go hang out if there is something on my list. Although I am disciplined enough to NOT let my list just go, I think I need to try to relax enough to be more of a relational person, than a doer. It isn't going to be easy. I am not that out-going and social type, but I am called to be. I would rather DO than BE. The difference is like between Mary & Martha, the difference between the me I need to be and the me that I am.

Seems simple, the ONE THING....vs my default setting!

Thanks Pastor, one more thing on my to do list!!! ;]

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