RSD Photo's SoCal Life

By rsdphotography

Food & Wine Festival

We are fortunate to be able to enjoy the Food and Wine Festival in Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo with our good friends Mike and Sheri who are visiting us from Washington State. Today we started with a wine tasting/lecture at 11:00 AM led by the hilarious, but very knowledgeable, Mark Oldman. This was followed two hours later by an architectural tour of two stunning Zihua homes, coupled with more wine tasting. The owner of Casa Conde personally led us on the tour of her home including this bedroom with these vintage cameras on display. We have long admired the homes across the bay from where we sit on Playa La Ropa, so it was a real treat to be able to actually see the inside of these masterpieces for ourselves as well as taste some great Mexican wines.

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