Fish Dinner

We got up this morning, and went to the Happy Gospel church in Bradenton, Florida. I know I shouldn't have...but...I wore shorts and sandals to the service. It seems that Lisa forgot to pack my dress shoes. Myself and another 5 year old were the only ones in shorts. I hope God understood.

Happy Gospel is aptly named. They are happy to the point of almost being giddy. We know we shouldn't have...but...we both timed the service. In at 10 a.m...out at 12:10 p.m. TWO HOURS and TEN MINUTES!!

The ministers name is Bill Bailey. No kidding. I know we shouldn't have...but we both timed his sermon. Started speaking at 11:04, quit at high noon. 56 MINUTES!! At about the 45 minute mark...I found myself humming..."Don't you wanna go home Bill Bailey...don't you wanna go home?" Real fire and brimstone kind of speaker. He scared us near the end. He yelled out..."STAND UP NOW PEOPLE!!! or I"LL GO ANOTHER HALF HOUR!!" Even with both legs asleep...I sprang to my feet, and yelled "AMEN!!!"

Speaking of saying "AMEN", I know I shouldn't have...but...I counted the times that the guy 2 rows up yelled "AMEN." 91 times! Count 'em. 91 times! And...I probably missed a few! When the minister got did the "AMEN" guy! My fingers had trouble keeping up!!!

Finally got out to one of my ponds. Giant egret reflections, close-up wood storks, and ibises in trees.

A high-pitched noise caught my attention. "THE OSPREY WAS FLYING IN WITH A FISH IN HIS TALONS!!" Up quick with the camera! "NO! NO! NO!" Missed it.

Not to fear. Evidently...they don't like to eat in front of each other. He flew off with his catch. Snap! Snap! Snap! I decided to lean against a huge palm, and wait for his return, since Patience is my middle name. (Ha! If I had a hundred names...Patience would not be one of them!) 20, 25, 30 minutes. "HERE HE COMES! HERE HE COMES!!"

He brought half the fish back, and gave it to his mate. Just like him...she hooked the fish in her claws, and departed. I got her too, but not as good.

As I got in my van...I gave myself a big "AMEN", and just for good measure...added a "HALLELUJAH." A good Sunday.

Click on LARGE for a look at the poor fish, and just a glimpse of Mom in the nest.

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