Belinda Lee

By bellee

Bridge over the creek

More often than not there is actually water in the creek, sometimes it dries up but not too often, but I think the bridge might be part of our walk when we make it a bit longer. Because we have only just started walking again, I thought maybe we should stick to the same route for a couple of weeks just to get used to it, which is 2kms, so not too bad. But when we start going a bit further, we might walk up and around the other side before we come home, I should map it and see how far that would be.

I had a day off sick today, cannot get rid of these sinus infections, it's pretty bad when you can't even bend down because you feel like you are being stabbed between the eyes! But the only idea the doc had was too start rinsing out my nose again. Might have to give it a go, but it is really uncomfortable, I am sure anyone that has done it would agree. Then again if it helps....what choice do I have.

Overall we had another enjoyable walk :)

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